
Master V from on April 11th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 420
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Psy-Frame Gamma is the second greatest hand trap of all time. It negates, destroys, and if you can resolve it on your own turn it gives you two free bodies on the field. Mikanko, which will normally open with spells (whether they be board breakers or equip spells) actually has a good opportunities to do so going second. The only question is what to make of them. This deck opts for Accesscode Selene for some reason.

Almiraj is available from any of your level 3s (though preferably pillar) and can link into Hiita, which is great in the current Snake Eyes meta if you can resolve it.

Dharc is trickier to access but can either become available through summoning the Dark Kaiju to your side of the field or stealing an opponent's monster with a card like Reflection Rondo.

Selene of course requires a spellcaster monster in the graveyard which is why I play the blue Mikanko even though some people don't like her.

This has been my combo guide.

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