Invoked Dogmatika

Master V from on April 5th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

It was a fast and easy climb to Master V from Diamond V this season. Lost very few games, going first and second the deck does pretty well. Going first, you want to start with the Invoked line, Mechaba protects from things such as Nib. 3x Ecclesia + 2x Nadir + 1x Maximus and 3x Dogmatikamatrix means you very often open a way to make Alba Zoa. Her effect is insane, and combined with Maximus you rip a lot of these Extra Deck resources. Sending Luluwalilith for the cost of Ritual summon also means you get Quem in the End Phase, which gets you Albaz into Mirrorjade on their turn. Aside from Luluwalilith, most of the time you will be dumping Garura, Herald, Wind Pegasus going first. Going second, you can easily break boards by sending 2x N'tiss and with the help of Purgatrio and the big bodies of Dogmatika monsters. Fleurdelis makes everyone bigger. Super Poly is so good in this meta, it's live against Fire decks, Labrynth, Tear, SHS and Floo most notably. Bystials are additional handtraps but are also good against most decks. Regained is also valuable since you banish most turns.

The Extra Deck is very tight, but you could play an additional Titaniklad if you wanted as a dump or Mirrorjade target but I've found 1 to be enough in most cases. You could replace Augoeides as I didn't make it that often, but having the third Invoked fusion makes it so the Invoked engine isn't dead after turn 4. I've made it a few times and didn't really feel like it needed another ED space. Aleister into Almiraj into Secure Gardna is necessary for this list, so I would keep them instead of Magistus +1. Maximus can be summoned by banishing Almiraj if you don't open Nadir Servant, which will be more likely now that it will be at 2 in a week.

Let me know in the comments or on Discord if you have any questions!

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