
Master I from on September 11th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 570
44 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the updated list of my Season 16 Madolche entry with Aussa. Was also playing Naturia Vernusylph & Rikka Sunavalon alternately. ✌️

What happened to Barrier Statue of the Drought?

Due to fewer Tearlaments matchups, instead of searching Barrier Statue of the Drought with Aussa or with Small World, I replaced it with Psychic Wheeleder for tuner purposes (and also used interchangeably with Counselor Lily in some matches).

Hand Traps, Utility Cards & Extra Deck Choices
  • 3 Maxx "C", 3 Ash Blossom, 2 Called By The Grave and 1 Crossout Designator which is standard in most decks.
  • 2 Kumongous and 2 Pankratops are mostly going second cards but can also be used as material for Baronne.
  • 2 Ghost Belle for Labrynth (Big Welcome), Runick (Fountain), Kashtira (Birth), Purrely (Purrelyeap!?), Naturia, etc.
  • 1 Naturia Barkion to counter Impermanence on Anjelly or Hootcake (whenever possible) and also effective against Evenly Match without wasting Promenade.
  • 1 Naturia Beast could be replaced with Bagooska or Giant Hand but I have encountered lots of Runick variants this season. Also, Bagooska can be easily get rid of with Kaiju, Donner, etc. but summoning it is still one of the best ways to end your opponent's gains from their Maxx "C".
  • 1 Donner is usually used against Bagooska floodgate.
  • 1 Underworld Goddess is for Purrely Noir, Chaos Angel, Borrelend, etc.
Aussa the Earth Channeler vs Small World

Small World is definitely better over Aussa as it can search for Kumongous, Fenrir, Unicorn and Pankratops while Aussa cannot. It is also cheaper to craft since it is in SR card rarity. However, I had several bad hands where the unneeded Madolche monster card(s) and the searchable S/T card(s) were clogging the hand. It is even worse with more than 1 Small World since the probability of getting 2 or more of it in the starting hand is higher. Sacrificing Messengelato or Puddingcess in exchange of Anjelly just to get countered with Ash Blossom would easily end the duel. Without Small World and with more EARTH monsters in the deck, there are more possible lines that can be created with Vernusylph and Aussa together. Also, there are more opportunities to play around Ash - whereas Small World just hinders it.

Have you considered running Butlerusk + Secret Village again?

I did. But having those 2 cards sometimes give irrelevant hands especially with Kashtira & Runick around which banish key cards from the deck. 😔

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Madolche Vernusylph:

◧ ◨ ◧ ◨ ◧ ◨ ◧ ◨ ◧ ◨

  1. Against Runick Spright
  2. Against Labrynth
  3. Against Dinomorphia
  4. Against Sky Striker
  5. Against Labrynth
  6. Against Runick Kashtira
  7. Against Kashtira
  8. Against Necrovalley Stun
  9. Against Runick Naturia
  10. Against Runick Stun
  11. Against Chain Burn

"Using a Cygames OST as BGM on your video with Konami game? Are you insane!?"


"That's pretty insane, right?"

-- Pecorine, Year XXXX in Astraea