
Master I from on September 25th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Classic going second charmer build, but replaced Adventure engine for more Preparation of Rites and small Mikanko engine. The way you use the Mikanko engine is by searching Ceremony with Ohime and using it to summon her, then using its GY effect to send Reflection Rondo to equip it to an opponent's monster with Ohime's effect and steal them. You can then use the Ohime and stolen monster to make a charmer matching the attribute of the opponent's monster and then revive the stolen monster and potentially do an accesscode climb or exhert pressure.

3x Kurikara and 2x Backrow removal (harpie/Lightning Storm) felt very good for boardbreaking, specially since Kurikara is basically always live against things like Expurrely Noir and Kashtira Shangri-Ira. Tributing Noir will trigger My Friend, which shouldn't be much of a problem if you can kill that turn, or if you have a way to remove My Friend before tributing her such as Harpie/LS.

I really liked running Maxx C and Gamma as my handtraps, they're both really powerful, specially if they're drawnn together. There's plenty of effects you can expect to see triggered during your own turn this format such as Heatsoul and Shangri-Ira, and you can also threaten a lot without putting something on the field with things such as Change of Heart or one of the many ashable things like Ohime, Engage, Spirit Charmers, etc, so using Gamma during your own turn to make a Baronne is pretty realistic.

Zeus is there to make it with stolen XYZ, definitely worth running with how common xyz are this format, specially good if the opponent didn't get to make Noir, and you can even steal a Plump from the opponent's GY to absorb up two spells/traps and then turn him into Zeus.

Kashtira Fenrir is incredibly powerful and won some duels completely on his own.

Sky Striker engine is good for extra pressure, as usual you can make a charmer with it by making Kagari with Hornet Drones and reviving the Hornet drones to make Hiita/Dharc (or wynn with Hayate), but you also have other options with Widow Anchor and threaten drawing a lot with Engage on a deck that runs a lot of spell cards. Despite all of this, Sky Striker engine can definitely clash with Fenrir and I considered removing it because of the small clash. Despite this, It's still very powerful and we're a link deck, so we can often "clean our field" to enable Sky Striker engine. It's definitely very powerful here.

Overall pretty steady climb.

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