
Master I from on October 20th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 510
45 cards

Notes & Combos

I wanted to do Master 1 with P.U.N.K. Therion, but I gave up after hovering Master 3-4 for the longest time with it.

I must stress that this list isn't optimal, it's just what I had on hand. I also forgot to put tactics in the deck during my climb. If you, for some reason, decide to reference this list, PLEASE PUT TACTICS IN YOUR DECK.

I used to be on the 3 Glamour 2 Konkon train, but given the two most prominent decks right now, it's nice to have an in engine out more often.

Small World is awesome, I'm not on it because I don't have Kurikara. If you do, it's definitely something to consider.

In a bo3 format I would say having better going first thrust targets is a good idea. Stuff like Aoi. I wouldn't do it off the whims of a coin toss though, because those SUCK in hand going second.

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