
Master I from on July 9th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Combo Tips :

  1. Amano/Boarder + SPoly, Toogle ON, NS Amano / Boarder chain super poly can often clear Tearlaments board without them able to chain Sulliek.
  2. Maxx C + Demise, set your other cards then activate Demise, if not Ash'd then chain Maxx C. Demise get Ash'd = Maxx solo next turn.
  3. Amano/Boarder + Runick QP + Droplet, can be a strong Exciton Knight board wipe
  4. Coordius, very strong for full Tear board (Baronne + Elf + Redoer) and Adamancipator if they make Dweller. Not as useful for Spright because don't really want to trigger the synchro Melffy play if you can.
  5. Starving Venom, basically makes SPoly a double board wipe.

Matchmaking Tips going 2nd :

  1. Spright. ALWAYS INSTANTLY ENTER BP don't even wait a second. The lack of handtraps interruptions will make them likely fall into your Evenly Matched bluff especially if you enter BP asap. They will think you have a way to deal with Carrot before Evenly. If they let you enter BP, only summon Geri to suicide and kill stuff if you have a way to deal with the Melffys. Don't summon Boarder if you have no way to negate or destroy the Xyz Melffy.
  2. Tearlaments. If they have Cryme, your only chance at winning is at least having a SPoly or Solemn + some Floods and play on their turn. SPoly all of their Tear monsters and activate the Floods on next Chain Link before Cryme become active again. Redoer into Kaleido + Cryme is usually just GG without a way to make Coordius.
  3. Branded. Most I encountered were on Expulsion lock which doesn't do much again Runick, stay careful of their Branded Beast though, might want to chain Expulsion with Runick QP to summon Hugin if no active Mirrorjade.
  4. P.U.N.K Bystial pile. Amano / Droplet / SPoly / Floods
  5. Adamancipator. same as P.U.N.K above

Overall Spright has been the easiest to deal with from the top meta decks when going 2nd. Being able to bluff Masquerena and ignore their Melffys is pretty good.

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ID : 519-689-814

Watch before going to bed as always for a good night sleep.