Sky Striker

Master I from on January 14th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Easily one of my favourite and really fun decks of all time.

Pure going second list. Pretty standard.

Ht ratios might seem weird, but I want to have as many options as I can when it comes to intrerrupting the opponent.

Veiler is cuttable, altough I chose to keep it as an extra, slightly worse Imperm. Initially I was playing 3, but switched to 2 Drolls, because this is the best HT this format.

Droll... Hits most decks that search. Not as good for vs Branded/ Lab, but if they use something else to search they might not be able to get their Branded Fusion/ (Big) Welcome Labrynth.

Nibiru is also cuttable for maybe a second Belle. It wasn't useless, but not that good. Both Manadium and SHS can play after Nibing them, unless they don't set up their Baronne first.

Belle was really good as well, especially vs Labrynth and Branded. Can be used against the Scarecrow as well. Great for Called By as well.

Imperm is the most standard HT ever. Every deck should play it (depending on the format and what the deck does of course).

Maxx Cancer and Ash Blossom need no description. Pretty standard as well.

Board Breakers

Pretty standard as well.

Raigeki helps force negates or can clear the field after baiting their negates.

Harpie's Feather Duster is so good. Stun was present so this came in clutch so many times. It's good even against Branded/ Labrynth since they both use Spells/Traps to summon. Helps remove Lady Labrynth's protection as well.

Triple Tactics Talent + Thrust... No need to tell you what these do.. Talent can help OTK, clear boards, get rid of a useful card from your opponent's hand. Might as well play 2.

Thrust is exceptionally good in Sky Striker. Searching any board breakers or Engage is wonderful.. Didn't play 3, because there were times I drew all of them.

Lighting Storm is pretty much Raigeki + Feather Duster. Great vs backrow/big "scary" unprotected monsters. Slightly worse limitations, but still a solid card. Could play 2 as well.

Upstart Goblin is cuttable for one more LS or Talent. Desires is great. Sometimes it banished all 3 Raye or double Engage, but most of the time the advantage is great. Can draw you boardbreakers, engage , imperms..

Extra Deck is pretty standard. You can cut the third Hayate for a 2nd Zeke. Selene is an addition I decided to do in the way from M2 to M1. Dharc is a spellcaster and gives you another free body. Selene can revive your Droll/Veiler without normal summoning if anything goes wrong.

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