
Master I from on April 26th, 2024
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 270
45 cards

Notes & Combos

This is just Darius' list.

tl;dr, I'd cut SPoly for Veiler/Imperm and play Apollousa, Dharc and Selene/2nd Hiita. Goddess is mid but a tool I don't want to not have.

Easiest M1 climb since Plat 1 was the highest rank. Since Spright meta I haven't been motivated to actually climb, but being a R-ACEist was really fun. It just feels like you have five pieces of gas to get through interactions and then your final card is Turbulence, which is usually at minimum three pieces of interaction.

Having 1 Diabellstar did come up when she got banished or was still on the field for whatever reason. Having 2 Poplar mattered. I tried 1 Poplar and just kept drawing it.

Impulse was great, I love it to get Air Lifter. Directly or through Fire Engine.

Super Poly was mid, that could be Veiler or Imperm imho. I prefer Veiler right now because you can draw into it with Maxx "C" and it doesn't take up a S/T zone if you resolve Turb and have any other set. SPoly, Called By and just naturally drawing an extra R-ACE S/T conflicts with Imperm. (I tried builds with Imperms and Veilers). Veiler can also be used for Selene if you play her.

Nibiru was great and was the only card I feared my whole climb. You have so many ways to get Turb onto the field, sometimes up to five. Emergency, Rescue, Preventer, Impulse and itself.

ED was good, I missed Apollousa and Dharc. Goddess never came up for me. The one time I was about to summon her, Zealantis was better vs a field of Mikankos with equips. I played a list with two Hiita and that was also rad. Selene is mid, but easy Access/Zealantis.

Elf, Earlie and Zealantis were MVPs for me, with Phoenix and Hiita being relevant parts of Zealantis climbs. Remember that Linkuriboh and Princess can make co-linking Phoenix easy.

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