Magikey Suship

Legend Anthology from on February 21st, 2023
cp-ur 330 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Super Fun and Consistent deck, prob one of the best to climb with imo.

Main win condition is to summon your Transfurlmine and set Unlocking.

This deck can go first but best to go second.

Magikey Combo:

Magikey World -> search Batosbuster (if you don't have it, otherwise search whatever) -> Standard Gunkan line/ any two lv 2's -> Bujinki -> SS any lv from your hand (preferably NOT Mafteal but if it's all you have then go ahead) -> Vepartu (or any Rank 4) into the zone Ahashiuma is pointing at for a free backrow pop -> Use World to get Maftea -> Ritual summon Batosbuster -> Search Mafteal -> Use Mafteal's eff and summon itself and a normal lv 4 -> Transfurlmine and then search Unlocking.

Declare a attribute in your GY to make all your opp's monsters into that attribute. Unlocking makes two interactions possible, 1: Transfurlmine can destroy one summon and Vepartu can send a monster to the GY.

Gunkan Combo:

Shari Red + Shari = Any Gunkan XYZ of your choice.

Shirauo/Uni/Ikura + Shari/Shari Red = Any XYZ of your choice.


I barely ever used Borreload Savage, feel free to take him out.

Steelswarm Roach, I love to bits but he can NOT stop INHERENT Special Summons (ie: Synchro, XYZ due to the summon being part of the game's mechanics) However he can only stop NON-INHERENT Special Summons (ie: summons that start a chain like a fusion or a card with "; or :"). For this reason it's up to you if you wanna run him.

Cairngorgon is one of my newly discovered Rank 4 toolbox cards, I think he really shines in this format due to a lot of cards having only single targeting effects. It's funny seeing someone try to target banish/destroy a card just for me to redirect.

Decode Talker I never even summoned but i like having it as a option for a Link 3 beatstick.

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ID: 833-074-130 Vs ThickD!*k (idk how they haven't banned this guy's name yet)