Fur Hire

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 19th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Straightforward fur hire list, dont bother with going second cards you already lost if you lose the coinflip, or rely on ash maxx c to make your opp board weak enough to ignore it.

TTT pack till 17 then it became useless do talents instead.

Wanted to cut munin so many times for a zeus but every time i would have to munin rookie into donpa or need a third type for folgo withouth wanting to spend hugins so it stays since the dog is ebast type and cant do the donpa line.

you play thru maxx c with runick spells.

kash dies to freezing curses.

Best deck fur hire.

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will upload some replays later. 567-093-911