Sky Striker

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 19th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

soul release win games against snake eyes, most games where i did resolve it, they run out of gas very early and lose the grind game. (most decks runs 2 flamberge, so if you managed to banish both via evenly / shark canon / soul release you pretty much win), its also pretty nice against lab and any deck that kind of need the graveyard to function (which is every deck other than kashtira and stun)

without veiler its kind of hard to make an accesscode, and without avarice you do run out of links pretty fast, so i've swapped it out for princess + amblowhale, which allows you to recycle kagari. just remember summoning kagari is a once per turn, and it must be link summoned for it to be recycled.

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