
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 17th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos


Apologies for slightly misleading title. I had dilemma wheter to classify this list as melffy or spright but spright already has lots of representation soo~

With that get out of way, let me explain a little about how this list operates o (ᵔ ° ᵔ˵✿)o

Aim ending the board with formation of Melffy Wally and Mannequin Cat with Spright Elf pointing to both of them

Bonus point if we can bring Spright Carrot, Spright Red, or Spright Smasher

Spright Jet job is to search Spright Smasher. If we need an extender, search Spright Starter instead

On opponent's turn:

  • Melffy Wally returns to hand on opponent's normal/special summon then brings Melffy Catty and Melffy Puppy to the field. This leads to Kalantosa pop one card and summon Herald of Arc Light with catty and pinny
  • Mannequin Cat can summon one monster from hand, gy, or field with the same type or attribute when opponent performs a special summon. This is a perfect way to turbo The End of Anubis. Its basically abyss dweller but without any cost! Shuts down snake eye, tearlament, branded, and labrynth since all graveyard effects are nullified (including our elf trying to summon lv 2 monster from gy)

How about going second? Zeus turbo of course

(2 lv 2 bodies -> Sky Cavalry -> battle -> Downerd Magician -> Zeus)

With The End of Anubis on our side, all gy effect become futile. Its proven to be an excellent strategy in this format, unless.. Well you know where I'm going. Kashtira was the worst match up for me piloting this deck. Apart from kash not relying on gy, they also have big bodies which is hard to out most of times ╮(︶▽︶)╭

Speaking of bodies, tiny melfies can be turned into Joyous Melffy with decent 2000 ATK. Not to mention that Gigantic Spright can become gigantic if we xyz summon it with a link monster (this is how I use IP Masquerena most of the time >x<)

Avramax barely comes out. Substitute it with Dharc maybe (?). Not sure about bringing Spright Sprind since there is no good dump target.

Alright, I think that should cover all the essentials. Quite qordy isnt it? hehe sorry for that. Anyway, have a great day! Cheers~!

Kindest regards

૮₍♡>𖥦< ₎ა

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ID: 883-065-202

Current Melffy deck replay at the very top one!

Some misplays by me and opponent right and there but it was one of the most exciting duel I've ever had

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