
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 19th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tired of not getting First turn? try blind second! Going second is very good for the dogmatika archetype, due to Dogmatikamatrix being able to search 2 cards if the opponent controls a monster. The choice of engine is Mikanko, and here is why...

White relic of Dogmatika : " If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can target 2 face-up monsters on the field; make 1 of those monsters gain ATK equal to the other monster's ATK."

note the fact that this effect is not a hard once per turn. By using dogmatikalamity and dogmatikamacabre to summon white relic twice, you can make a huge beatstick on the opponent's side for mikanko to crash into, or 2 huge beatsticks for yourself.

The typical dogmatika-mikanko combo is as follow:

  1. Summon ecclesia and search for dogmatikamatrix.
  2. Activate dogmatikamatrix to search for white relic and dogmatikalamity.
  3. Activate dogmatikalimity to summon white relic with Herald of the Arc Light.
  4. Chain-1 arc light: search for dogmatikamacabre, chain-2 white relic to target the 2 largest beat sticks on either side of the field; buff the attack of the weaker one.
  5. Activate dogmatikamatrix to dump Arc Light.
  6. Arc light searches for Mikanko Ohime
  7. Mikanko Ohime activates to search for Water Arabesque, and discards herself (or any shaddoll monsters in the hand)
  8. Equip arebesque onto white relic, and activate to remove her from the field while summoning Mikanko Hu-Li.
  9. now that white relic is not on the field anhymore, she can be resummoned using dogmatikamacabre.
  10. with the white relic, target the two previous monsters, and buff theattack of the weaker one.
  11. The last monster to be buffed will have the highest attack in the field. Crash your mikanko onto it.
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