8-Axis Blind Second

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 25th, 2024
cp-ur 1560 cp-sr 0
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi again, its me, the person that hate their life, anyway, forcing myself to only use UR is awful especially against the current meta, I mostly see Labyrnth and snake eyes, which is why I started playing shifter, stopping snake eyes and transaction rollback is huge, limiting lovely ability to set trap back to the field is also can be handy.

I hate snake eyes, please konami just ban it. The good news is that majority of snake eyes player plays into your TTT.

Change of Heart is there because its funny, also you can steal ball back to summon RA which is also funny. (Im running ball because I cant use card like Slumber due to the lack of 2nd UR Kaiju and Lava Golem which is a SR)

Don't Play this horrendous, awful and terrible deck.

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