
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 10th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Played pure shark at first, but one handtrap can ruin the combo. I tried to add kash to bait the handtrap, since both shark and kash only lock special summon ex deck to xyz and kash only need unicorn for full combo.

First turn combo mostly summon Unicorn to add theosis>summon buzzsaw shark then summon bahamut shark to make Utopic Draco to prevent your theosis from ash>normal Kashtira combo until Arise-Heart. If u have no unicorn in the hand, just summon Utopic Draco or Kragen using shark combo.

Going second mostly play around interruption by summoning Kash first, then summon shark to make N.As.H until Barian Hope (also suck their monster with N.As.H and c101, if there is only 1 monster suck it with c101) and if they still alive with 5k atk Barian Hope, summon Zeus with 6 mats.

Droll more useful than shifter for this deck especially if u met another Kash. Also droll can be used on first turn if they have maxx C, since shark mostly special summon from deck.

Pot of Desires kinda risky banishing Theosis or Riseheart for Kash combo, but the draw 2 card really worth it. Basically u need to take a risk to win the game.

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Replay ID 019-715-994 :

  • Vs Culus (Going 2nd vs Exosister)
  • Vs ぎんぎつね (Full combo going 1st vs Runick Stun)
  • Vs (^)(^)沢渡ンゴw (Going 2nd vs Swordsoul)
  • Vs 北冥紫雪 (Going 2nd vs Branded. Actually can OTK and there is a lot of missplay on this match. Maybe because it's rank up match to DLV MAX and its make me nervous)