
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 18th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I used this exact same deck to win both the October and this December DC Cup. Of course, it was must easier to climb in October with Purrely than it is now. Having only 2 white cats and 2 delicious means that you sometimes do not have access to the lines that would out a given board or set up a strong board. If Purrely was stronger, I would invest in the Ghostrick variant, but I rather not invest now. The vanilla variant is strong but more inconsistent than Kash right now.

If I were to change something now, I would remove a field spell for something else, though it is hard to say what would be appropriate; perhaps Duster for backrow or another Book of Moon because book was never a dead card during the climb. Either I used the book directly or I needed to discard it for a special summon.

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