Dragon Link

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 10th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 690
50 cards

Notes & Combos

I noticed at around DL 18 that almost all of my losses were due to Maxx C resolving, so I tried to build the deck with the maximum number of outs possible. If I could go down to 40 or 45 cards to see these outs more often I definitely would, but unfortunately all of the engines were just so essential that I ended up sticking to 50.

The Black Metal Dragon package was probably the MVP of the deck during my climb (not including Levianeer ofc, that card is crazy). It provides so much value whenever you can get it on field. I also found it to be decent into droll, a your first adds be Boot Sector and Red-Eyes DMD gives you a lot of free bodies to go for seals + a synchro with.

The one-of Nibiru is there so that I could (in theory) draw into it with Maxx C to stop OTKs. However, while I didn't draw it off Maxx C once, it came in clutch so many times against random decks during my climb. It is super important to hold Nib for as long as you can, and wait for them to exhaust their whole hand (or at least all cards but one) to break your board before Nibbing them. Looking back on it I should have played more, but preventing Maxx C from sacking me was a higher priority.

Branded Beast is a card I wish I started playing earlier in the climb, since having a 2nd Lubellion target or needing a way to force backrow (your only other way being Levianeer pop 2).

Seals is a card that I didn't summon a lot in the earlier part of the climb, but once I started going for it more often I realised how crazy it is. You do have to be somewhat smart with your timing on the bounce, but the payoff for it is incredible for how little investment it needs. It is also good to set up as Nibiru insurance, since if they Nib you you can just summon Red-Eyes DMD, Red MD, Seyfert or whatever it takes for you to keep on extenting.

If you have any questions feel free to comment, I'll answer any I see.

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