
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 11th, 2023
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 570
60 cards

Notes & Combos

End board goal of this deck is to have 2 tuners on board or a chaos witch and a bystial or fairy tail snow in GY and branded etude on field with chaos ruler. Branded etude synchro 2 chaos witch tokens with chaos ruler to make King Calamity and turn skip them.

Chaos Valkyria makes this surprisingly consistent, she can send a witch or fairy tail snow to GY, and as long as you've already used witch that turn, the lock out doesn't matter.

You can also hand loop them with dis pater + omega, and get even more cards from their hand if you have creator and TTT. I've actually hand ripped someone 4x in one turn with this combo, it's hilarious.

Deck is very strong, chaos synchro felt lacking before but went from almost no turn 1 end board of note to one of the strongest end boards in the game.

Charge of the light brigade and tuning are both GOATed. I know they are expensive but they will 100% win you games you otherwise would have lost.

All of these ideas are my own so there's lots of new tech here. Stardust synchron adds arrive in light and puts rokket synchron on top of deck. You can use samsara dragon instead and mill it with ruler to add back a bystial from GY to hand too but I like making hot red. Arrive in light draws a card when ANY synchro is summoned to the either field, every turn, and can be done again if ashed because of the wording. The second effect (which you can do in the same turn you draw) can summon chaos mirage dragon from hand which you add with cupid pitch too, so it creates for some crazy extensions.

Oh and Heavy Slump is my little anti maxx c tech. Just take the maxx c challenge every game you have Thrust and then discard their whole hand in the draw phase next turn like it never happened lol.... just make sure to have baronne or dis pater negate ready for the ash they inevitably draw into.

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