8-Axis Blind Second

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 18th, 2023
cp-ur 1530 cp-sr 0
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I would rather kms than play this deck again on DC higher than Lv 15.

I'm gonna be honest and said that I only play this deck on DLv5-15, DLv17, Dlv19-20. On DLv 16 and 18, I play a better 8 axis deck that is actually better than this. Not having access to Draglubion and Numeron dragon, make it harder to finish out a game other than just spamming body.

Not having access to other danger card and kaiju mean I have to rely on Sphere mode to remove the opponent monster, as well as unable to spam more body due to lack access of Danger Thunderbird. I put ra last second because its funny. Not having access to Seven Sins and Pain Gainer mean less zeus activation.

Ariseheart is there to steal Kash monster with tactic and summon your ariseheart, or your opponent using shangira and you summon your Fenrir, overlay into ariseheart.

Magnahut for Chaos ruler with sharnga and additional distruption

Don't Play this horrendous, awful and terrible deck.

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