Pendulum Magician

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 16th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

most ideal situation you have either curtain, astro or chrono in opening hand for a free special summon so that you can do a big ass pendulum summon later.

the play is usually always to go for electrumite into astro, if your electrumite is negated your fucked.

this deck can easily ftk by having 6 monsters on board, 4 of which are pend, and 3 of those being dark.

other than that priorities are to pend summon with harmonizing and to destroy double iris twice.

this deck has a tough time putting out distrubtions till the end of the combo, so nib is a death sentence.

because this is a pendulum deck, otking is very easy.

going second.... you just have to pray. i used to run kaijus to help second.

if you end up going second you want to play the grind game if you cant otk, with cards like time pendulumgraph

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