
Duel Triangle Fusion/Synchro/Xyz from on April 19th, 2024
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Basic 2-card combo:

Step 1: Activate Meltdown or Normal Summon Aleister the Handtrap Baiter (you should be skilled enough to also open Invocation anyway)

Step 2: Use your Tear cards to mill past their Ash/Veiler and pop off

Step 3: Opponent scoops


On a more serious note, I wanted to have another monster to normal summon since Reinoheart is at 1, and while Sea Mare is a fine replacement, being able to use other milled monsters for Invoked fusions (particularly milled Veilers for Mechaba) has proved to have a lot of value.

Super Poly meshes extremely well with Aleister and a large pool of Invoked Fusions that can be used mainly as removal. Purrely defaulted to UDF pass after you prevented Noir turbo? Now it's our Mechaba. Their Noir is under 5 mats? It's floodgate gaming time with Caliga, good luck using your recursion when you can only activate 1 monster effect per turn.

Augoeides solos Kashtira's recursion if you manage to out their board since its effect to pop an opponent's Special Summoned monster isn't even once per turn. Every Kashtira monster that hits the field gets insta popped on summon.

And well, if your Aleister plays fall flat, simply resort to gamba with Tears, you will win ;)

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