
Duel Triangle Fusion/Synchro/Xyz from on April 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 780
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Almost an exact copy of Zek's list. I've had a royal Deer Note with basically everything else in the deck (only one Amazing Dragon though since I think I might have decrafted one early on) and never gave it a try.

Ended up going 16-9 where I had a 5 winstreak and a 4 winstreak.

The deck was alright, however, I'm not sure if I was even playing it correctly. (first time attempting it and it's without Carp and non-synchros) Most of the time, I tried to just end on PEP and see how things went with that. Fenrir is a good card, but I'd probably drop it. I get that it can be a "free" level 10 with a PUNK and removal, but it mostly was just there. It didn't really help climbing most of the time since I didn't have another body to do something with it. Not sure about the Nessie either. The Bystials were fine, however, I rarely ran into Tear/Branded. It was mostly Kash/Purrely/Zoo.

Destrudo was cool to really drop your life, however, I found it hard to do much with most of the time since I'd normally have a level 3 tuner out and Destrudo. (I did craft a glossy and royal of it though when crafting the cards for the deck, so ty Zek for that)

Not sure what I'd change though. Maybe add in a Sharakusai just for plays on your opponent's turn and for being able to focus your efforts on something else other than PEP to not die.

PUNK cards still seem cool though. Wouldn't mind playing with them again.

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