Fur Hire

Diamond V from on September 24th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is a Blind Second deck This season i had the goal of doing a competitive pure Furhire deck , anyways this is very hard due to the format we are playing and furhire has not much game going first so i built this deck around going second

This deck can be kinda tricky and hard to use because all furhire monsters are hard OPT so be careful , you have to keep in mind which furhire has you used and it requires practice to play it properly , the goal usually is drawing 3 cards with Folgo effect , for that you need to control at least 3 furhire with different names and destroy an opponent card , you can do this with donpa and recon effects , also pankratops can help there to destroy on opp turn , numer 29 mannequin cat also works for that sometimes , and the rookie furhire can be used on opponent turn Also be careful with rookie furhire , the turn you activate it you cannot attack with anything that is't not a furhire monster so have it in mind! if you need extra damage and have non-furhire monsters you can link summon the second folgo to reach the lethal , otherwise better stay saving your resources

Anyways if you like this deck you probably will have fun playing it , but it's not an easy to use deck so keep it in mind!

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