
Diamond V from on May 15th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

As always: a network graph of the Small World bridges for this deck can be found at -


^ Link can be copy/pasted to get around link censoring.


The main nonstandard spice I'm running this time is United We Stand over Limiter Removal. If I'm unable to address Tear's backrow fully, Limiter Removal only reverse's Scream's -500 ATK, which sometimes meant missing lethal with enough bodies on the opponent's board. United We Stand easily gives lethal if there's anything in attack position. Limiter Removal being a quick play basically never comes up for me, and United We Stand being an equip spell that can be destroyed isn't all that relevant since if the opponent has S/T hate, they could destroy Numeron Network either way.

Likewise if I can manage a normal summon (including Driver🤣) after getting the Gates out, United We Stand is still lethal versus an empty board, so it can still perform Limiter Removal's main role reasonably okay.

I'm running Gamma even though it's not ideal versus Tear because I kept getting Dimension Shifter'd by Tear hate decks and wanted some kind of out for it besides hard drawing Calling. Gamma is still Ash/Belle at home for a GY effect versus Tear which isn't the worst thing ever, and Driver still has uses in conjunction with Small World/Mallet/Droplets.

Tear format making Ash less common makes me more comfortable running Magical Mallet than usual since I can be more confident that I can actually resolve it to un-brick bad hands in exchange for being a waste of a card slot in good hands.

I'm comfortable running search targets at 2x in Pot of Desires decks, so I've gone back down to 2x Numeron Calling for similar reasons since an opponent Agido+Kelbek deck thins by 10 cards, much like Desires.

I'm running Red Reboot over other forms of backrow hate like Cosmic Cyclone because while Reboot does a serviceable job versus Tear, it can also help shut down the main Tear hate decks of Exosister/Floowandereeze (+the odd Mathmech/backrow-centered deck) in a way that standard backrow removal can't quite match. Admittedly I haven't played much of post-Synchronized Cosmos format yet, so if Runic (Fur Hire/Naturia) ends up moderately popular/trap prevalence in general goes down, I'll probably swap the Reboots out.

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