Dragon Link

Diamond V from on June 12th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a deck that solely focuses on bystials , your priority is to finish with the Link 2 "Hiaratic Seal" because it can tribute itself to bounce any card and it summons a dragon from the deck which is "Fallen of Albaz".

And since you're doing this on your opponent's turn, you pretty much have a free super poly from deck with Albaz and you can summon your Mirrorjade :D.

Since the whole deck is a one card combo, we play a lot of Handtraps including the Bystials.

Exemple of a one card combo :

  • normal summon Black Metal Dragon -> Link summon Striker Dragon -> Add Red-eyes -> Red eyes effect to summon a dragon -> Hieratic Seal Link 2

As for going second, you have so much interruptions during your opponent's first turn with the handtraps and bystials that it's not too problematic, also "Wollow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons" can make all your monsters go up to 5000 ATK sometimes (especially against Tearelements)

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