
Diamond V from on June 25th, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 720
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Credits to @CariO for inspiring me to create my own take on an Amorphage deck. Idk how I got this mess into D5, but here we are.

This deck tries to follow 3 general goals :

  1. Set up as much Floodgate stuff as possible as it is all searchable
  2. Make Heavenly Spheres with whatever 2 Dragon bodies for added disruption on your opponents' turn
  3. Make Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon via the fusion spell if possible

My explanation for certain card choices :

  • I only play a reduced set of Amorphage monsters because they can brick you quite easily and you rather want to draw a way to recycle Odd-Eyes Revo Dragon/OERD (see next point). 2 Goliath and 2 Lechery bc hard-drawing them is good, 1 Greed can easily be replaced with any of the other Amorphages (really did not seem to need Trap lock active)
  • you need to resolve OERD as often as possible, hence why you use multiple spicy techs to accomplish that. Both Chaos Emperor and Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer can recycle it from either the GY or Banish zone and (conveniently) both are low scales
  • Grandtusk Dragon is a great target for Heavenly Spheres' Special Summon. Had Aether first, but Grandtusk proved its worth

The rest is either Dragon bodies (Bystials and Ravine engine) or help with going second (Bug, Nib, DRNM, Evenly) because that's where it struggles the most.

Worst-case end board : a consistent lock of Goliath + Lechery on scale (which tbh is enough to win you at least 50% of your games)

Best-case scenario end board : Goliath + Lechery + Five Rainbow + 1 set (no ED, no Spells, no monster effects or attacks unless your opponent can set enough cards); Sphere (bounce a card into pop 2 with Grandtusk); Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon (omni-negate); Bystial on hand

Sadly no replays as I was too zoned-in at the end of my climb, but I will try to provide some down the line ^^

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