Thunder Dragon

Diamond V from on June 7th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

One of the simple turn one plays Thunder Dragon can do is to make Hieratic Spheres. The problem I had with this play in a standard Thunder Dragon list is that one bounce isn't often enough to survive a turn - you would have to extend into Nibiru territory to stand a chance of seeing turn 3. Adding Albaz to the deck gives the turn one Hieratic Spheres play enough power to possibly end your opponent's turn. Fortunately there are not too many Thunder Dragon cards needed in the extra deck so there is space for the assortment of fusion monsters that are run. Because we are running super poly targets for Albaz we may aswell add Super Polymerization to the deck. Super polymerization in games was both useful breaking boards and as an interruption on your opponent's turn. There are some board states that can only be resolved by making Verte and using Super Polymerization from the deck (sometimes changing the attribute of a problematic monster your opponent controls first).

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