
Diamond V from on January 31st, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

It's become more important than ever to open with Called by the Grave when going second, in order to counter both Mathmech Superfactorial and Branded in Red. We've seen Endymion decks shift toward 45 cards over the previous two seasons (although I've stayed at 41), but now we need to be back at 40.

Still liking Magister at just 1 copy, especially since it's so easy to search him.

We're starting to see more Diamond decks running Cerberus at 2 and I think that's completely reasonable, but I've stayed with 3 because it's such a strong card to open. It's also not hard to use Cerberus's Pendulum Effect later in the turn, after the other Pendulum Zone is cleared by the effects of Electrumite, Servant, etc.

I may go back to running 2 copies of Secret Village since it's so strong, but it's pretty weak going second and that's what Endymion needs to worry about right now.

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