
Diamond V from on February 10th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 420
44 cards

Notes & Combos

This has a very long one card combo and a 2 card combo that allows you to play around nibiru. Either combo ends on Therion king + dryatrent + sweet marjor + resurgent + rosewhip and has shrine setup to summon thrasher next turn.

This makes all plants untargetable, gives an omni-negate, a full board monster negate, a monster bounce, a card destroy and only allows the opponent to activate one spell/trap per turn.

The deck is very strong going first but has options going second with thrasher for potential OTKs. The dryas-sowing combo is the most important play to pull off, so try to bait out any negates before then.

Honestly just look at replays this is a long combo. The main combo is sunseed - dryas - sowing - twin to recycle sunseed - dryas proc into healer - jasmine - jasmine tribute for mardel add laurel - special laurel - second jasmine activate laurel to trigger jasmine adding borea and angelica - borea destroy equip to get colosseum and regulus - double melias in the main zone - dryas in the extra zone to get shrine - shrine for sunseed - jasmine - twin banish dryas for second jasmine - angelica target jasmine in grave adding snowdrop and rosewhip with jasmine procs. dryanten keeping a jasmine on the field - special regulus and angelica - summon resurgent with jasmine and mellias as material - tribute resurgent with snowdrop summoning rosewhip - activate snowdrop targeting whip - summon sweet marjor using angelica and snowdrop - resummon resurgent - set all traps/spells

Also if you open borea or rose paladin + starter, summon borea ASAP to tribute itself to get out regulus then continue with the combo getting rose girl instead of borea with the first jasmine search

Keep in mind snowdrop locks you out of therion king and angelica can only be summoned from grave with a aroma card on the field.

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ID for replays: 922-854-600