
Diamond V from on April 15th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I don't think this is super great.

I do think this is super fun.

Wanted to try something different before playing Tearlaments in Diamond. I don't think this is optimal yet and it might be a bit overcooked/undercooked depending on who you ask. But I keep learning more about the deck the more I play it, so I am sure, if I put more time into it, I can make the list much better. It's playable in the upcoming event too, so that's a nice bonus. I know Madolche version is for sure better, but I wanted to run a more Vernusylph focused version instead.

End boards really depend on how you open. Sometimes it's Nat Beast + Drident. Other times it's Masquerena + Bagooska + Vern Trap in graveyard. Other other times it's Regulus + Barrier Statue + Discolosseum. If you have easy access to Vera, then the deck's ceiling is much higher. You're always gonna have at least one shuffler in grave for Tears as well. If you know your opponent is on Tears, it is really easy to bring out Abyss Dweller too. Going second you got some options like Pankratops or Grand Tusk. Both are sometimes useful going first as well since Vera allows you to summon them during your opponent's turn for some pops.

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448-008-885 for a replay vs Tearlaments. Not a great one, but showcases how the deck plays.