
Diamond V from on April 15th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

40 cards because I find the 60 card pile bricky. Very few actual Adamancipator cards in the deck. I would even replace their synchros for more earth extra deck monsters (2nd gallant/dweller maybe). I don't think I used the adamancipator synchros at all, plus they clash with the Vernusylph cards.

Tackle Crusader is the best tech in the deck. I used it a lot to shut down rank 4 plays during opponent's turn or flip down Bagooska on my turn. Remember, it even activates when detached from an xyz. So if you summon it back with an Vernusylph you can make Dweller and detach Crusader on the opponent's turn to flip a monster down or bounce a face-up backrow. When detached as an xyz it can even deal with Dark Law.

Barkion was also a beast by helping me deal with evenly match (a lot more prevalent than you think). It also synergizes with the Vernusylph cards since its earth.

1 belle over 3 Ash because it deals with shufflers/tear and is another earth for block dragon.

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