
Diamond I from on September 18th, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 630
46 cards

Notes & Combos

✨ ✨ ✨ MD ID: 091-690-479 ✨ ✨ ✨ Feel free to add me :)

I would not recommend building this deck unless you

A) are okay with grinding for hours for a net +2-3 game wins B) are okay with being stuck around platinum/low diamond. C) idk just love Ghostricks as much as me :,)

I did the best with what I had regarding Ghostricks. A few attempts were made, including the Psychic / Adventure turbo build but just didn’t love it. There is literally nothing Ghostrick about that deck. Its not Ghostrick. So instead I made this to prove Ghostricks can reach Diamond I if you’re patient enough and learn them inside an out.

I also tried more streamlined “pure” builds or more diverse monster lineups, and its just not doable when competing with Diamond decks.

So scrap all of that and you’re left with backrow, hand trap, Ghostrick pile :) This is absolutely a going 1st deck. This deck cannot break boards and really struggles going 2nd against even 1 interruption.

Tip: Use TCBOO + Scare wisely. Turn opponents deck off at optimal points. And make sure you have FD Fiends when you’ve got hand trap battle tricks. Also don’t worry about the Spellcaster link 1 since it can be made with FD cards!

Stall and survive is the name of the game. The deck slowly shuts games out with Scare + Nights + TCBOO and in a format filled with Prank, Floow, Tenyi Adventure, Dragon Link this is a good gameplan. If the format tilts to a going 2nd (Storm, Evenly, etc.) the deck will struggle much more.

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