
Diamond I from on November 24th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 840
60 cards

Notes & Combos

My typical endboard would be Apollousa, I:P, Abyss dweller, and a Baronne

Brilliant fusion is just a free mill of block dragon plus a level 8 extender

Nibiru is the best small world bridge in the deck to get you to any rock monster

Miracle rupture is floodgate removal or can force negates if you send tackle crusader with it

Excluded Fairy Tail Snow as she was only rlly useful after resolving grass and being lucky enough to mill her. The payoff isn't worth it in my opinion as grass is alr auto win

Playing Abyss Dweller over Chengying as there is no way to activate Chengying without snow on opponents turn

If you have questions, you can dm me on discord ArielSquid#5354

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