Dragon Link

Diamond I from on May 30th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 840
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck generally follows the standard dlink plays, however if you have an extra tuner extender or access to tempest and you believe your opponent doesn't have nib, you can go for a halq line to also add baron to the standard end board. Mostly this deck is just testing for the release of the brave engine which can replace tempest and some of the other lvl 7 extenders like abs and nocto.

My main combo turn 1 usually standard dlink, but with an extra tuner or lvl 7 extender you can go for rose dragon plays to add baron to the endboard.

Turn 2 you just try to play through disruptions as best you can with dlink combos, try to make use of opponents link monsters that have arrows pointing toward your field to setup pisty plays. Levi is usually your best friend especially against backrow decks.


Checkout my replays!

Player id: 281-480-271

  • Replay1: 5/29/2022 at 01:31:00 Playing through some disruption against @Ignister

  • Replay2: 5/29/2022 at 00:50:10 A grindy game against luna kaiju

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