Sky Striker

Diamond I from on March 7th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello! Again got to diamond 1 with my Sky Striker - but story is actually funny. You wouldnt expect this is tier 1 deck and I admit I rather was more interested in playing sprights or runic (or both). But I was so tired and annoyed by all the mirror matches, which were coinflip who goes first. I was gaining ranks and losing, couldnt break from d2 to d1. So I decided to go back to my Sky Striker list that I knew would be relatively good in the current meta and it just pierced to diamond 1 like thru butter. I was really surprised with that kind of smashing results, so I think I could share it with you, guys. In this deck, card choice around main engine depends always on meta - more information about specific card choices you can find in my previously posted deck (some months ago?). What is new is - nearly no hand traps. This meta is not for hand traps - they wont help you agianst mathmech nor sprights. But board breakers work quite okay. Also, you see no Module - I prefer to drawing anything else because I need usually that one card I draw to help me break the board and rarely I can allow myself to look for module. But I admit this season meta is slower and more grindy than last one and you can think about playing Module now. For me personally, it is not worth. Also about strategy, now we can go for OTK not as often as previous seasons so I suggest play more control way. Of course this season will demand from you way more creativity with using your resources to break boards, also you will need knowledge how to bait against specific decks. But for me - this is what gave me diamond 1. Not Sprights, not Runic. Sky Strikers worked for me way better.

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