
Diamond I from on July 10th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 690
43 cards

Notes & Combos

The punk engine is essentially a halq turbo to trigger your Block Dragon search if you do not open it and cannot get to Granite. Do keep in mind that you won't be able to resummon Block Dragon during that turn if you do. However, opening e-tele preserves your normal summon which allows you to ns analyzer then, ss the rest of the miners. It's absolutely bonkers if you open it with Block Dragon or your starters(to a certain extent) as the entire punk-halq line can bait for interruptions from your opponent. If you're not feeling the engine, you can replace them with 2-3 crossouts, another droplet or more excavate targets.

No dragon buster lock because it wasn't doing anything against backrow decks and, if I already exhausted Union Carrier to trigger Block Dragon's search on that turn, chances are it's not gonna live till my next turn. Also, I've been drawing it into my hand way too much early in my climb. You can definitely add it if you want.

Foolish burial can be cut if you don't have it. I would consider the other one offs rock monsters in the main deck as flex spots, except for Gigantes. Only flex spot in the extra deck is Underworld Goddess. I like using it with I.P most of the time to link off towers like Arrival, Megaclops and etc. when my opponent least expect it. Also, Block Dragon OP.

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