
Diamond I from on February 28th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Reasons to play the deck:

  • It has a lot of gas and a good grind game, so it matches up really well versus pure spright and mathmech
  • Zombie world is pretty good against swordsoul and floowandereeze
  • Golden boi is pretty cool

The extra deck is pretty flexible, apart from the branded despia package, but I found Dragonecro to be pretty good against towers, so I would recommend keeping it.

Usual endboards are something like

  • Mirrorjade+Zombie world w/ Doomking Balerdroch in GY
  • Mirrorjade+Eldlich+Eldlixir of scarlet sanguine

Just be sure to do your branded despia stuff before the Eldlich stuff and check whether you want to send Eldlich, Banshee or Baledroch to the GY with the branded fusion and you'll be golden :)

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I keep forgeting to save replays, but I have one against pure spright on my way to D1 saved if you want to check it out!

ID: 867-214-801