
Diamond I from on December 8th, 2022
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 870
60 cards

Notes & Combos


profile ID is 987-364-656 I have lots of replays on there from this season. Check 'em out! :)

This deck goes second and uses scrap wyvern and lib to loop scrap recycler multiple times and send all our orcust pieces to the GY while breaking the board in the process. Wyvern, lib, and dingirsu all have non-targeting removal effects so we clear the board and either set up an otk or multiple interruptions for our opponents' next turn.

side note: I was constantly tweeking my HT / board breaker card choices. u can play what u like best. I think the engine ratios are optimal though. 6 scrap normal summons + 3x urgent schedule (MVP) + maxing out on the Mekk-Knights, and the slimmest Orcust lineup reallyyy helps consistancy.

This deck works because it can play board breakers that other go-2nd decks can't: Dark Ruler, Evenly Matched, and Anti-Magic Arrows. We don't have to OTK turn 2. We break the board and can set up an Apollussa, I:P + Babel, and usually a Citadel and/or Savage too. girsu can make himself a tuner !

Another strength of the deck is the massive amount of inherent summons we play. Mekk-knights, Alpha, and Pankratops all summon without activating in hand. It's tricky for our opponent to react and play correctly while we have all the information on what they have. They work as both board breakers and extenders.

Initially I just built this deck for fun, but after playing it these last 2 formats I think it's legitimately busted ;)

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