
Diamond I from on April 9th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 810
57 cards

Notes & Combos

The Saladmath combo deck legit feels stronger than pure Mathmech. When I played pure Mathmech, it often felt like everything came down to coinflip, opening Circular, and whether you could resolve Superfactorial. This deck is far more consistent and has a higher power ceiling with the two parts summing up to more than the whole. Superfactorial allows Sunlight Wolf to recover an extra card on the opponent's turn, and Roar is incredible at protecting Superfactorial.

Read the pins in #salamangreat Discord channel to learn this deck's combos.

Notes on certain deckbuilding decisions compared to Ineedaname's deck (

  • Psy-Framelord Omega/Gamma package replaced Linguriboh because the larger deck needed more handtraps that could counter Maxx C. Occasionally, Linguriboh is needed for an optimal Heatsoul board when you have a weak opener, and is probably optimal over Omega. However, Omega clears board space when you activate Gamma on your turn, and can occasionally recover a banished card.
  • 1 Foxy because it's only really used in the Runick matchup, and has poor Salad ratios for the abilities compared to the pure Salamangreat deck.
  • 2 Diameter because it's very important to resolve Superfactorial, and you don't want it banished. The extra copy is also good past turn 1 as a 2-for-1 normal summon.
  • Skull Meister because I don't have the UR points for another Impermanence.
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