
Diamond I from on April 13th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Quite possibly the most awful format for Endymion so far, especially for Mythical Beast build. Some might prefer the Spellbook Draw build + Jowgen since you can search deeper, but I just prefer the MB variant for no reason.

This was built with going 2nd mentality because sometimes our opponent will steal our first turn anyways. Typical techs include:

  • Lava Golem
  • DRNM
  • TTT
  • Necrovalley and/or Village
  • Gravekeeper's Commandant (to search for Necrovalley if you use it)

As you can see these are some generic OCG/TCG sides. I didn't add commandant because I wanted to keep the 40 cards deck size. I took out Garuda and Reflection for these tech but you should try with them first because Garuda's backrow destruction and both's bounce effect might be useful in specific situations. You could instead take out some of the Mythical Beast package but that's way too risky with Desires. Play around with the ratio until you find one that feels comfy.

Going first, the nice endboard would be Sloth protected by ~2 Mighty Master (to prevent Scream and Perlereino from changing the Atk values on board) and ~2 Jackal King. Selene on extra monster zone would be great so that we could slap Mighty Master back into the field after self-bounce.

Necrovalley on board optional but greatly valued if we could draw into it. I went with 2 to mitigate the possibility that it got yeeted by Desires or the opponent. Going with Village instead of Necrovalley will stop the occasional Runick and cripple stuff like Floo and Branded which are still around. With either of the fields, we'd prevent anything from playing unless opp drew the out™.

So yeah, I don't like floodgates either but we had to make do with how busted Tear's recovery is.

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