
Win Streaks from on May 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the Deck I used to climb all my way from Diamond 5 to Master 1 this season. Its power level is nowhere near fire Decks, but I really wanted to play the Horus cards and I had some good past experience with this Deck from TCG. P.U.N.K.s are based.

Madame Spider and Gagaku can be cut out if you want. There are many effects in this Deck that let you draw cards and turbo through your Deck, and Extreme Session is the best one. Dangerous Gabu diversifies the board a little bit providing some interruption against DRNM alongside Bystials. One important thing to keep in mind is that Gagaku's secret effect lets you draw 1 card if a P.U.N.K. monster is targeted by your opponent, this is why I like to E-Tele it as soon as possible so I can get some value off getting Imperm'd if the worst happens.

Ghost Ogre is a great handtrap in this format, I think the two best uses for it are popping King's Sarcophagus against Horus and Masquerena on your own turn against Snake Eyes, but it can bring value in many other scenarios.

Zombie Vampire is the strongest Extra Deck monster on paper, as it can give you access to one more engine for your combo while also revealing what Deck your opponent is on, however I'd suggest activating it as late as you can so you will be able to negate the opponent's Graveyard effects in case you accidentally mill something that can start a turn 0 play for them. If you think your endboard is good enough, do not summon it at all, as sometimes it's not worth the risk.

Salamangreat Almiraj lets you immediately make SP going 2nd to break boards, also it can send Vision Resonator to the GY to make Bystial plays.

Spright Elf is the Master Duel addition to this Deck, it's stupidly broken because it lets you recycle Vision Resonator for free to make a second Synchro play, while also making your two best monsters untargetable. You typically make this through SP, which will be reborn during your opponent's turn.

Accel Synchro lets you Synchro climb to Baronne or Dis Pater in case you don't have access to Lubellion.

Masquerena and Apollousa are the two big flex spots of the Deck, in TCG I used to run T-PHON and Garunix Eternity for going 2nd; Masquerena is a nice bridge to Spright Elf, and Apollousa comes up when the opponent stops all your plays with lots of handtraps. They can be replaced by Chengying, Zeus, Hope Harbinger, Shenshen, Hieratic Spheres or the Scarred RDA + original RDA for more free level 8 bodies.

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I've made public 5 replays from Master 2: 739-331-840