Live☆Twin Spright

Win Streaks from on March 26th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my current Live/Evil Twin Spright deck.

Classic deck that can fit most essential HTs (in my case 15 HTs). I have to fit 11 Twin starters (3 Lilla, 3 Kisikil, 3 Snitch, Password and Home) as a Spright only play is kinda weak in the grind game and not impressive for meta standards so opening more Twins would give more advantage as Twins gives a lot of draw power which is why Twin Spright is a thing, combine it with Spright's negates, it's quite an oppressive combo. Pretty straightforward 1 card combos which leads to a quite oppressive board which is nowadays a classic in strong/meta decks.

This deck however loses to most floodgates and its normal summon (Lilla or Kisikil) is quite a choke point as it needs a monster to extend.

Overall still a solid deck even in current meta (Snake Eyes, Labrynth, Superheavy Samurai)

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For more videos about Twin Spright and how to play them, you can look at my YT channwl here: