
Win Streaks from on March 16th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 660
41 cards

Notes & Combos

My decklist: I run the standard Marincess monster line except Maiden and adding Basilalima over her (3 Blue Tang, 3 Springirl, 3 Sea Horse, 2 Pascalus, 1 Mandarin). The reason to play Basilalima over Maiden are 2: Maiden alone is hard brick, Basilalima being lv 4 means we can play the Reefe lineup, Basilalima's GY effect protects your monsters from pops, on top of gaining a perma 600 Atk boost so it's a line I also play to bypass with Blue Tang a Lil-la pop or Runick's pops. Then I run 2 Battle Ocean, 2 Dive and 1 Wave: 2 Battle Ocean is coz I don't disrespect Evenly, Cosmic and Runicks so that I can always rebuild my Towers on follow up turns, 2 Dive and 1 Wave are standard ratios so nothing important to note other than you don't want to have only those 2 in hand coz they do nothing so 2 is fine for Dive and 1 for Wave since Wave is recyclable thanks to the links and Pascalus' GY effect. Also I'm into 2 Mining coz you don't want to always resort to this card to get your names but it's sometimes a necessary evil although getting Ashed means -2 cards in hand. Then for the HTs: 3 Ash, 3 Maxx C (I hate this card but I have no choice but to run 3 ofs), 2 Droll and 2 Imperm. Ash is mandatory due to Maxx C and to negate any search or Branded Fusion, Droll actually is quite strong to suffocate some combo decks from searching and mitigate Maxx C, Imperm coz Marincess needs the monster negates it can get... Boardbreakers & Tech cards: 3 Evenly Match, 2 Raigeki, 2 Droplet (would have liked to run 3 but due to space coz I hard prefer 41, I opted to have more Evenlys over Droplet), 2 Called By, 1 Crossout and 1 Duster. 3 Evenly and 2 Raigekis coz Spright disrespects boardbreakers when they go Red line, Droplet is just too good on Marincess to send Anemone equiped after you used Wave just to fetch it again with Anemone effect, effectively having literally 3 monster negates for the turn; Duster coz I need backrow removal coz although Argonaut can bounce backrows too on your turn, it's still better to wipe out backrows, right? Lastly Called By and Crossout are my anti Maxx C alongside Droll so I literally have 8 outs for Maxx C. Extra deck: I run the classic Marincess package (2 Blue Slug, 2 Sea Angel, 2 Anemone, 1 Crystal Heart, 1 Marbled Rock, 1 Triangle, 1 Argonaut and 1 Bubble Reefe) alongside Splash Mage (important for some brick starters), Eria (in case of Iblee & Nib) and Goddess (anti I:P Avra which this decks lacks an out), then Kragen (for the non target pops).

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Here are some examples of Marincess against current meta (March 2023):

Then this is my road to Diamond 5: