Lair of Darkness

Win Streaks from on June 6th, 2022
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 930
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Extremely strong turn 1 with high chances of drawing any of the 3 major floodgates in the deck (Dimensional Barrier, Gozen Match, Skill Drain). Easy access to DPE with Lord of the Heavenly Prison or Tour guide into Anaconda. The virus cards are stopping the opponent's momentum as well. Gozen match+Lair of Darkness locks your opponent out from summoning anything except for Dark attribute monsters. This is a pure control deck as you are slowing down your opponents from doing their combos. Ice Dragon Prison is there to grind it out when you are running out of monsters, or you have the option to banish on both sides as well. Lilith ,Ahrima and Advance draw, well... they tribute your opponents monsters and make your opponent happy. instant fusion... You get the idea. "Your field is my field" Senju

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