
Win Streaks from on July 17th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My build is an actual trap deck variant with a few hard floodgates but most traps still being normal ones and a few counters to stop Ash on Welcomes and maybe stop a duster or Evenly. Added Maxx "C" since it's still very helpful when going second on top of Super Poly being incredible. Used to run Evenly but it kept coming up at bad times so I cut it in favor of just having Super Poly and the Extra Deck that revolves around it and to a now lesser degree, Dogmatika Punishment. While the pots can banish some useful stuff, they are usually still better than nothing and I run 1 of two of them so they're never doubled up or bricks but still help out.

I removed Bagooska and the Rebellion package since I literally didn't go into my extra deck outside of fusions since I started ranking with Labrynth, so they and Bagooska even can be replaced with other potential rank 4s you have and would prefer or even more links or anything else. I replaced them with an Underworld Goddess just because I like her, an extra copy of Pegasus and one Wagon as Punishment targets. Of course, if you don't want to use Super Poly then most of it can be replaced with more Punishment targets which will also ensure that they get banished by the pot less often.

I might replace the one Ash for another copy of Ra Sphere, but for now 1 and 1 is fine, since drawing into either is usually helpful but not super necessary right now.

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ID: 393-802-173

  1. Hero pile(?)
  2. Spright