
Win Streaks from on January 19th, 2024
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Trying to get the Super Heavy core and getting Nemleria URs instead? Got a lot of good engines in your collection? Like madolche-like art style?

Well, here's my pile i've been testing on master. I'll climb from master 5 to master 1 with Nemleria. Right now, I'm with this build.


If doing so, not only you will not banish your opponent cards, you cannot get back your extradeck for further plays.

Your goal is to resaolve the monster effect of Dreaming Nemleria. If you do so, it should get you a win, if not in the turn you did it, in the subsequent ones; because, after doing it 1 time, it gets so much easier in the next turns. Just be very careful with the amount of extra deck resources you are left with; You might want to get rid of it as fast as possible, but all your cards use them as cost for their effects, so you may predict the effects you may use in the next turn and have a plan b to always get just Dreaming in the extra in your turn.

Unsurprisingly, small world can get you anything in the game!

Blinding second you can tribute over all your opponents monsters with lava golem, kurikara or spheres; or you can bait a lot with the 2 good engines I decided to add into the BIG PILE.

The extradeck, is ok, you can cut a lot, since it's main purpose is to banish it fd. Since you lock yourself into not using your extradeck with Reveil and Tower it might seem useless, but the Nemleria traps help a lot in holding a turn to then summon Number XX.

On the other hand, if you decide not to use any of those effects, you can go for the kasthira play,s pecialy against an enemy Shangri-Ira

I mostly make the Synchrons with kashtira + handtraps.

The jewels of this deck are, Eater of Millions for a turn 1 Special Summon of Dreaming Nemleria, Amano Iwato and Sphere.

Amano Iwato is so good going second, since you almost don't use any monster effect, and if you go into brave token, it's not bounced to the hand.

It's kinda difficult to play with all the small world bridges, but with practice it gets fun and can get wins.

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