Sky Striker

Win Streaks from on January 7th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Kinda typical Sky Striker build. Pros: You do not care about coin flip. If you stop your opponent turn 1 and draw any starter you are in control. If you do not stop your opponents turn 1 you have many board breaking tools. Things can go out of control very easly with multiple engage activations causing you to draw crazy amount of cards. Good otk setup with Selene and charmers.

Cons: Weak going 1st if you do not open Raye. If you go 1st you risk to have many dead cards . Prone to mass backrow remova.l Raye in grave is vulnerable to any banishing effects.

Notes: When Kagari to 2 comes you replace Lyna for her

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