Code Talker

Win Streaks from on January 26th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 660
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Code talker control featuring decode talker heatsoul. By no means optimal, but the difference is negligible unless your playing in a tournament: this is intended as a budget list that nearly anyone can pick up and play. Got a 12 win streak in dim 1, so a good list

You do not need the avramax, triple tactics, and handtraps are entirely preferential. The feather duster and called by are really handy, but again not necessary and I've seen lists not running them. The deck at it's core is essentially 1 copy of a structure deck, and 2 UR crafts, being almiraj and accesscode. Access is self explanatory, but the almiraj shouldn't be underestimated, as it's used when you brick handtraps and don't open your 1 card heatsouls (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as heatsoul will replenish the handtrap used). Solemn scolding I actually found to be more effective than judgement strike, and it's a slept on tech imo.

Now, ideally, if you wanted to optimise this build, I'm no deck expert, but you'd absolutely want atleast a small mathmech package. I feel a firewall dragon could be handy aswell, and I'd probably get rid of either link disciple or security dragon in its place. With circular now I'm unsure, but before you'd want cyberse gadget instead of wyvern. Handtraps. Deck is adaptable to your needs and preferences.

There are a lot of guides and tutorials out there. I personally learnt from the code talker channel in the discord and YT

1 replay vs ignister (beer baron)


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