
Win Streaks from on February 7th, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

With Ride Into The Future here, the Sinful Spoils variant of Labrynth is now officially playable in Master Duel! In comparison to its standard furniture counterpart, Sinful Lab at a surface view offers a wider range of threats, a more dynamic grind game, higher average card quality, and better stability - this last aspect being particularly relevant with the recent second hit to furniture now limiting the deck to only 4 pieces (and some Lab players still seeking how best to fill that void).

While there are various beneficial nuances when you look even deeper - both in how this version behaves against certain relevant matchups in the current meta (ex. the mirror is a bigger one), and just how it generally operates overall (ex. Chandraglier can now easily make Chaos Angel) - the biggest attraction for incorporating the Sinful cards in Lab is having access to Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera.

Silvera grants Lab something it never honestly had, an omni negate, but not just that; Since it's a Spoils it's incrementally grindy too! This is obviously pretty powerful as Lab now has a very flexible, strong tool to notably deny board position freely all while playing for further CA at the same time. Silvera inherently being a normal trap makes it right at home here allowing a lot of upside - mainly with Lovely being able to loop it as need be, and with it being a non-Welcome trap on top of that, it even activates the field spell SS so you can pile on even more.

The next few weeks will define the new pillars of the competitive environment - we'll need to find ways to respond and interact with it, and Sinful Lab seems like a viable option due to its efficient tools. I'm already in M1 so I cannot rank with this deck, however, I'm still enjoying streaking with it and am looking forward to further exploring how truly impactful the engine can be for Lab as the post-RITF meta shapes up.

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