
Win Streaks from on December 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 600
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Decided to go with Labrynth for climb. This a mostly standard Labrynth deck. I decided to go full hand trap lineup package. I felt with all the meta Labrynth doesn't have many good answers going second so went with a full hand trap package. This included Bystial's for Branded/Dragon Link and Mathmech. Droll for Dragon Link/ Vanquish Soul. Nib for everything that can do 5 summons. Gamma was a good card going second as I felt not many decks were expecting it. I decided to use Terrors of the Overroot over something like prison as I felt it was better aganist some decks. Case can be made that Ice Dragon Prison is better as it's non-targeting but it was my personal choice. For extra deck choices it was mostly standard and ca be adjusted to personal choice. Was able to get a good win streak and will see about making adjustments to get to master 1.

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428-280-702 Replays aganist meta decks